If at any time you feel overwhelmed, go through this list of questions as a way to organise the management of what is on your plate, your priorities and distractions.
What is my priority today? Why is it a priority?
Does it make me happy or satisfied? Is it an important step or responsibility towards an authentic goal?
What can wait until tomorrow?
What can I delegate?
Where am I distracted?
What am I doing for myself today for self-care?
What is unnecessary?
Where am I being pressured and is it my responsibility? Where is the pressure coming from?
Within or from the outside?
What am I avoiding and why?
What am I afraid of?
What do I still need to complete, eliminate or clear out that is either a distraction or no longer serves me?
Do I feel balanced? What is not being fed?
What practices have I done today to help in my balance of inner and outer life?
Where have I wasted time?
What can I do today to raise my vibration and bring joy and beauty into my life?
Keep an inventory of your answers and this map of questions will give you much clarity and help you to create a good management plan for what’s new, what’s old, what needs to change, what has changed, what is in transition, what is part of your inner life and what is part of your outer life.